Friday, September 01, 2006

Yet another adsense experiment

I just created a HUGE AdSense site with like eleventy seventy zillion jillion (ok more like 500) articles related to education in some way or another. It is riddled with AdSense and even has links. I must admit some of the articles even caught my own attention and I spent like an hour reading them.

Next step is to add the site to my RSS feed, submit to google and yahoo, and post on my MySpace blog. Then I just wait and see what happens.

Site URL:


Blogger Tony said...

It's been a while already and absolutely nothing has happened with this site. I'm thinking that Google sees the site as not having quality content. I might experiment with the layout on some of these to see if they eventually show up in search. But for now I'm considering the education site dead.

10:41 AM  

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