Martial arts revisited
I was thinking about kung fu, karate, etc. and got to thinking about when I was taking Shotokan classes under Sensei (now Master) Hawk Frazier in the late 70's and early 80's. The thing I remember most about Sensei's class was how well we did in tournaments. We would take home trophies in every category. It got to the point where other schools would leave as soon as they found out we were competing because they knew they didn't stand a chance. Some schools even tried to get us banned! Anyway, I did a search on google for "hawk frazier" and lo and behold, I found the results of some tournaments in New York. Master Hawk is still cleaning house at the tournaments. Use your browser to search for "Hawk" and you'll see his students in the top 3 of almost every category. Some categories show two students (first and third place, for example). The man is still awesome, even in his 60's.
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