Death Metal under-appreciated?
I found this fascinating article called "How to Appreciate Death Metal" that really caught me by surprise. At one time I used to listen to LOTS of death metal. Groups like Carnivore, Slayer, Pestilence, Dark Angel, Cannibal Corpse and many others. The faster and louder it was the more I liked it. But not just any groups, though. There is a definite skillset required to be a good Death Metal artist and only a few of the many groups back then had what it took.
As a matter of fact my own compositions are heavily influenced by Grindcore groups like Bolt Thrower and Napalm Death. My music, although almost exclusively drum-n-bass, uses many of the techniques that Grindcore and Death Metal bands invented way back when. In fact, some of the most popular drum-n-bass songs unknowingly mimic Grindcore techniques, but within the "rules" of drum-n-bass (i.e. keep the beat at all cost). The sounds, projected moods, sequencing, and of course talent required makes it all a unique art form that very few people have taken the time to appreciate.
As a matter of fact my own compositions are heavily influenced by Grindcore groups like Bolt Thrower and Napalm Death. My music, although almost exclusively drum-n-bass, uses many of the techniques that Grindcore and Death Metal bands invented way back when. In fact, some of the most popular drum-n-bass songs unknowingly mimic Grindcore techniques, but within the "rules" of drum-n-bass (i.e. keep the beat at all cost). The sounds, projected moods, sequencing, and of course talent required makes it all a unique art form that very few people have taken the time to appreciate.
Youtube is riddled with grindcore and death metal videos nowdays. It appears death metal is becoming more mainstream. 20 years ago is was definitely a sub-culture thing that I was sure would come and go like so many other things have. Boy was I wrong! :-)
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