Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Domino Effect (literally)

This video is very well done and demonstrates a few of the marvels of mechanical engineering. Just watch it. I think it was created (or at least influenced) by Wile E. Coyote. :-)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Death Metal under-appreciated?

I found this fascinating article called "How to Appreciate Death Metal" that really caught me by surprise. At one time I used to listen to LOTS of death metal. Groups like Carnivore, Slayer, Pestilence, Dark Angel, Cannibal Corpse and many others. The faster and louder it was the more I liked it. But not just any groups, though. There is a definite skillset required to be a good Death Metal artist and only a few of the many groups back then had what it took.

As a matter of fact my own compositions are heavily influenced by Grindcore groups like Bolt Thrower and Napalm Death. My music, although almost exclusively drum-n-bass, uses many of the techniques that Grindcore and Death Metal bands invented way back when. In fact, some of the most popular drum-n-bass songs unknowingly mimic Grindcore techniques, but within the "rules" of drum-n-bass (i.e. keep the beat at all cost). The sounds, projected moods, sequencing, and of course talent required makes it all a unique art form that very few people have taken the time to appreciate.